

Friday, May 23, 2008


ok, this took me a while. sorry. anyway, golden week was great. i spent three days at a frends house teaching english, babysitting his two brothers and playing zelda for the wii. =] he seems to love a movie called battle royal i also went to see namahage with him. (japanese ?devil?) amung other things, I finally got a bow! I also found a manga called fary tail made by the same person as rave master. I also did a bunch ou other things that I don't remember anymore... I was kind of busy (lazy) so I chouldn't update while they were still in my head. well, my story is starting to take shape now. and I'd say it's a pritty awsome one too. over 80 pages and 400 kills by th main caracter alone. I'll stop there since i don't want to spoil it and have to start writeing it again now. bye.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

something new

hey, i finally posted pictures. (just one) it's at the vary bottom of the blog and it will change occationally. (the first one is my uniform scince people have been constantly pestering me to show them. if you missed it... sucks.) speaking of uniforms, i finally got my kyuudou cloths. (will post eventually for a limited time =])
well, that's all for now